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Department of Livestock and Aquaculture Research


  1. Myanmar is an agriculture-based country and succeeding in agriculture as it has plenty of rivers and good soil fertility. Department of Livestock and Aquaculture Research (DLAR) was launched on 1st April, 2022 with the aims to implement the policies regarding to livestock and aquaculture research set by the state, to foster innovation for development of livestock and aquaculture research, and to support for the development and sustainability of national economy. At present, DLAR is implementing for the development of livestock and aquaculture research, such as conservation of genetics and heredity of indigenous animals, conservation of breeding stock for producing high quality breeds, and genetic upgrading.

Background History

2.       Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation (MOALI) drafted and proposed a structure for establishment of “DLAR” as an immediate attempt to follow the direction, being urgent need of establishing DLAR, of the Prime Minister at the Union Territory (Nay Pyi Taw) Development Meeting which was held on 17th August, 2021 according to the letter No. 50/220-Direction 3-1/APhaYa(2021) released by the Caretaker Government Office on 26th August, 2021. At the meeting No. 1/2022 of the Union Government held on 2nd February, 2022, there was an agreement for establishing “DLAR” with 641 staff comprising 201 officers and 440 personnel. Therefore, “DLAR” was launched by the MOALI on 1st April 2022, according to the notice letter No. 60/2022 released by the Minister’s Office of MOALI on 10th February, 2022, and was initially operated at the temporary head quarter in the campus of Department of Agricultural Research, Yezin, Nay Pyi Taw.


3.       The policies of DLAR are as follows-

(a)     Encouraging for the co-operation of private sectors in the development of livestock and aquaculture research and distribution of modern technologies.

(b)     Collaborations with the international organizations for exchanging modern technologies used in livestock and aquaculture industries.

(c)      Conservation of genetic resources and animal resources, and production of high-quality breeds of livestock and aquaculture animals which are resistant to climate and diseases.

(d)     In relation to conversation of animal resources, collaborations with relevant departments and organizations.

(e)      By the co-operation and collaboration of government organizations, non-government organizations, civil social organizations and private sector, implementation of works for giving education to the farmers and fishermen.

(f)      For development of livestock and aquaculture products’ market, co-operation in the drafting of norms related to standard quality, and distribution of information on price and trading principles.


4.       Through innovative livestock and aquaculture research, an inclusive, competitive, food and nutrition secure and sustainable livestock and aquaculture production system that contributes to the socio-economic well-being of livestock and aquaculture producers and rural people as well as fostering national economic growth.


5.       The objectives of DLAR are as follows-

(a)     To establish national- and international-level livestock and fishery research organizations and carry out sectorial research activities and human resource developments.

(b)     For the livestock and fisheries sectors, to conduct research for conservation, reproduction and management of pure local breeds, production of good quality breeds, management of nutritional development, and for catching up applied technology and innovations related to disease prevention and treatment.

(c)      To perform for development of  market research related to ensure the livestock and aquatic products of farmers and fishermen to be marketable, good quality products.


6.       The missions of DLAR are as follows-

(a)     Research for regional food security and nutritious livestock and aquaculture products.

(b)     Research related to sustainable livestock and aquaculture production.

(c)      Research related to food science technology and development of high-quality products.

(d)     Research related to the development of farm business and socio-economic status of farmers.

(e)     Research on conservation of terrestrial and aquatic animals’ genetics and natural resources.

(f)      Research for production maintenance of breeds and production of novel, high-performance breeds.

(g)     Extension works for development of livestock and aquaculture research.

(h)     Research related to production chains of marketable, value–added animal products.

Ongoing Works

7.       DLAR is implementing with a main goal as “to disseminate, as a knowledge and technology sharing, the outcomes of research to be conducted to the livestock and aquaculture farmers”. With the hope that the farmers receive these research outcomes and apply in their farming leading to the development of livestock and aquaculture sectors, DLAR is performing research work at the following seven livestock research stations and seven aquaculture research stations situated in nine regions and states including the Union Territory (Nay Pyi Taw)-

(a)     Livestock research stations:

(1)     Livestock research station (Pwint Phyu Township, Magwe Region)

(2)     Livestock research station (Pyawbwe Township, Mandalay Region)

(3)     Livestock research station (Myaing Township, Magwe Region)

(4)     Livestock research station (Hsihseng Township, Shan State)

(5)     Livestock research station (Phayargyi Township, Bago Region)

(6)     Livestock research station (Taunghkam, Naung Cho Township, Shan State)

(7) Livestock research station (Shwemyo, Tatkon Township, Nay Pyi Taw)

(b)     Aquaculture research stations:

  1. Aquaculture research station (Mandalay, Mandalay Division)
  2. Aquaculture research station (Pantanaw, Ayeyarwady Division)
  3. Aquaculture research station (Chaungthar, Ayeyarwady Division)
  4. Aquaculture research station (Kyunsu, Tanintharyi Division)
  5. Aquaculture research station (Wamaw, Lounglone Township, Tanintharyi Division)
  6. Aquaculture research station (Thandwe Township, Rakhine State)
  7. Aquaculture research station (Putao, Kachin State)